How to Penetrated Proteksi PC Security TM

Oktober 01, 2008

If you the lover software-software the protection for windows, you must know with software this one. PC Security was software the protection to file-file, the system, boot et cetera that was equipped with fiture-fiture the interesting protection.

To be able to enter and changed setting his protection, you must ident as the administrator PC security and for this will be asked for password

So that you could login without through password, his method searched file that his name sdeamon.exe and winwd.exe that was file the PC Security TM gift, file this dihidden from windows, so entered through DOS.

Usually this location in the directory c:\windows or c:\windows\system. Delete the two file this and you can enter PC Security TM easily and changed setting him without being asked for password.

Have Nice Try..


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